Wednesday 29 April 2015


Dear reader

Think about it. When was the last time you got a multi-bagger? Probably quite some time ago. And such things don't come by easily.

So do 50 dollar notes on the floor. So does getting a 1-digit ballot number at the BTO. They are things and opportunities that are hard to come by. 

But when such opportunities do fall onto our laps, we must first be able to recognise its presence. Not knowing that this is an opportunity could result in it slipping away even before we know it. It is thus important to widen your knowledge and be on top of current affairs and news all the time. 

Having the courage to grasp the opportunity is hard to do as well. Who would have dared bought stocks and shares during the financial crisis of 2009? Few did. And they had reaped much in terms of gains.

However, being able to recognise opportunities and having the balls to grab them is not enough. Do you have the money to buy in at that point? If your war-chest is less than adequate, any purchase would not translate into meaningful gains. 

Lastly, having some conviction is a great help. I know of people who took profits on their winners way too soon. A few hundred could have ended up as tens of thousands. 

Anyway, these are just words that would probably be lost on you. 

From Wikipedia, some luck

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